Getters and Absorbers

A “getter” is a material that is added to a hermetically sealed device to maintain the purity of the atmosphere within the device. The use of getters within microelectronic and optoelectronic hermetic devices is a well-known solution to capture contaminants present at sealing or which outgas during the life of the device. With proven reliability, getters provide a simple solution, often targeting a narrow range of contaminants. Hi-Rel has provided getter solutions for over 25 years to its customers in defense & aerospace, medical, optical networking, and energy markets.

Hi-Rel worked both with its internal development team and its partners to provide superior getter solutions. One such key strategic partnership is with Johnson Matthey, a leading specialty chemicals company. Since 1999, Johnson Matthey and Hi-Rel have combined their advanced technology capabilities to provide robust offerings consisting of a Johnson Matthey Protelec getter material and a Hi-Rel hermetic lid.

Getters Maintain Hermetic Device Atmosphere Purity

Getters are needed because, although hermetic sealing protects critical electronic components, some devices need additional protection from contaminants and effects such as:

  • H2O (Moisture) can induce corrosion and / or dendritic growth.
  • H2 (Hydrogen) reacts with O2 (Oxygen) to produce H2O which then can corrode.
  • H2 can attack palladium and platinum semiconducting gates in microwave chipsets (e.g., GaAs) causing failure.
  • CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) can affect laser power and add distortion.
  • Organics can burn in laser beams laying down carbon and causing the laser to eventually fail.

Hi-Rel's PROTEC-TAB getter series provides a standard product to our customers who need moisture and hydrogen adsorption. Reducing lengthy design time, adding flexibility and quick turn delivery, this product line to addresses the most common concerns our customers face.

With PROTEC-TAB getters:

  • Attachment options include welding and adhesive attach.
  • H2 (Hydrogen) reacts with O2 (Oxygen) to produce H2O which then can corrode.
  • Activation is straightforward and often fits in with standard pre-lid seal bake out processes.